Sunday, June 15, 2014

It's done

The trip to North Carolina is over. I arrived back at my cabin at Serene Lakes on Wednesday and posted the statistics below on Atlasquest shortly thereafter. I repeat them here for those of you who are not letterboxers:

7408 miles driven
211 boxes found
18 boxes planted
22 driving days
1 tick bite
no flat tires, breakdowns or car trouble
no accidents
1 parking ticket
1 really happy parrot
I received comments about tick bites and responded about how hard it is to check for Ticks when I travel alone with a parrot. This comment elicited a great poem from my friend and fellow letterboxer, Grumpy Grinch.

A letterboxer should beware that tick bites can infect her
With Erlichiosis, lyme disease, and Rocky Mountain Fever,
Fevers titled boutonneuse and some are labelled Q,
Relapsing, and babesiosis, just to name a few.
Concerns about these illnesses are anything but funny
But after hikes you should enjoy
Nude tick checks with your honey!

but alas my honey didn't make the trip with me so I'll have to wait until I pick her up at the airport in Oakland to fulfill this part of the trip.

I arrived in Serene Lakes to my perennial nemesis, broken water pipes. I called the plumber and he came the next day. I swear the devil was the plumbing subcontractor when this house was built. Ive spent a fortune fixing pipes not to mention the days without showers or hand washing while waiting for Charlie the plumber.

Not to rest, Friday, my friend doug came up from the Bay area and we went letterboxing in Reno. Saturday I finally made it back to Orinda, safe and happy. Ive driven across America 5 times in my life, the first when I was 16 with my dad. This was the best trip ever. Letterboxing created a goal for every hour on the road and Sirius radio kept me entertained. The parrot only spoke soothing words and never made me stop so she could go to the bathroom, that's what the towel on the seat was for........mmmmm just thinking ya think Maggie would wear.......................nah. nevermind.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this blog and it inspires you to do something YOU want to do regardless of all the raised eyebrows, shaking heads and unbelievable grins.  So as my old boss Hap Payne used to say  Carpe Diem!  or was that Horace?  just go do it!

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