Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Ace Hi is still in business

Today I stayed in Golden, Colorado and letterboxed my ass off. I found 15 boxes all over the area and had a wonderful time. This one day was better than the entire 1200+ days I lived in golden in the mid 1960's. Those of you know my stories of hazing don't need to be reminded of how miserable I and most of my classmates were during the period.
Golden has been transformed! in Spades. I cant begin to tell you what's changed, but by example, I was served really good sour dough bread at a restaurant last night and when I was in college I used to stuff my suitcase with the stuff because it wasn't available anywhere in the entire state of Colorado.  Some good things have gone away, like the huge cinnamon buns at Foss drug, that were the staple of every Sunday breakfast for years. And the sheriff is now ticketing people who tube Clear Creek when the water is too high.
I had breakfast in a coffee shop this morning and was talking a bit about the 60's to the owner when a young lady walked in. she heard me talking and introduced herself as a recent Chemical engineering graduate of Mines....going on to graduate school in Archaeology. She shared there is hyperawareness around hazing at Mines now but still thought it was  pretty tough slog and not much fun. Some of the same professors are still hanging around,,,after 50 years..amazing.

Some things haven't changed that much either. My old apartment house, rooming house and dorm are still pretty  much the way they were when I left, well the rooming house is purple now but it's still recognizable.  The Ace Hi tavern is still in business. It was one of the few bars in Golden and they never carded anyone. The food was poisonous but the drinks were good,,,,then and now. I didn't try the food.  We had one fellow who had a straight A average at Mines and who had a barstool with his name engraved on it for the whole four years I was there. I never went into that place that he wasn't there and drunk  and still got straight A's.... Wonder how long ago he succumbed to liver disease too.  

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